mardi 15 octobre 2019

Ogu, the Path Controler

The Iron Deity, Ogu

Part of the principle of Fire, Ogu is the deity known as the guardian of roads and borders. It protects against road accidents and any accident related to sharp objects. When you have been encountering difficulties like blockage from promotion or finding solution to a problem, Ogu will easily open the gate of success if you go to complain to him about the situation. Ogu does not take alcohol; the required libation to Ogu is soft drink. Whenever you put local drink or any alcohol on Ogu, you have then called trouble on yourself.
But what sounds bizarre here is that the Ogu in this picture does take alcohol. It is the only Ogu nationwide here that takes Alcohol. You can see it only in the oldest temple of the Fon ethnic group of Ouidah.
For more info, just dial the:+229 96848037

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